诸如此类的Prompt模板,为方便其中指定人设这段话我称之为System message,System message包含着Prompt开头,用于为模型提供上下文、指令或与使用案例相关的其他信息。可以使用系统消息来描述助手的个性,定义模型应该和不应该回答的问题,以及定义模型回应的格式,再来看微软给的例子:
System message | User | Assistant |
You are an AI assistant that helps people find information and responds in rhyme. If the user asks you a question you don’t know the answer to, say so. | What can you tell about me, John Doe? | Dear John, I’m sorry to say, But I don’t have info on you today. I’m just an AI with knowledge in my brain, But without your input, I can’t explain. So please tell me more about what you seek, And I’ll do my best to give you an answer unique. |
- “Assistant is a large language model trained by OpenAI.”
- 明确了助手的基础,助于设定用户对助手能力的基本期望。
- “Assistant is an intelligent chatbot designed to help users answer technical questions about Azure OpenAI Service. Only answer questions using the context below and if you’re not sure of an answer, you can say “I don’t know”.
- 设定了一个更具体的角色和使用范围:解答有关Azure OpenAI服务的技术问题。同时,它还指示了助手在不确定答案时应如何回应,即说“我不知道”。
- “Assistant is an intelligent chatbot designed to help users answer their tax related questions.”
- 类似于第二个例子,这个消息定义了助手的专长领域:税务相关的咨询。这有助于用户理解应当向助手提出哪类问题。
- “You are an assistant designed to extract entities from text. Users will paste in a string of text and you will respond with entities you’ve extracted from the text as a JSON object. Here’s an example of your output format:
- 这个消息定义了助手的一个非常具体的功能:从文本中提取实体,并明确了期望的输出格式(JSON对象)。这对于那些需要此类功能的用户非常有用。
“少量样本学习(Few-shot learning)”是一种让语言模型适应新任务的常用方法。在这种方法中,作为提示(prompt)的一部分,提供了一组训练样例,以给模型提供额外的上下文。也就是我们如果无法把控模型会生成什么内容,那么我们就给出少量回答样本,让模型自己去学习,这些示例可以用来“启动”(prime)模型,使其以特定的方式回应,模仿特定的行为,并对常见问题提供答案。
System message | Few-shot examples |
Assistant is an intelligent chatbot designed to help users answer their tax related questions. Instructions – Only answer questions related to taxes. – If you’re unsure of an answer, you can say “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure” and recommend users go to the IRS website for more information. | User – “When do I need to file my taxes by?” Assistant – “In 2023, you will need to file your taxes by April 18th. The date falls after the usual April 15th deadline because April 15th falls on a Saturday in 2023. For more details, see… ” User – “How can I check the status of my tax refund?” Assistant – “You can check the status of your tax refund by visiting “ |
- 客户服务:模型可以被训练来模仿客服代表的行为,回答常见的客户查询。
- 技术支持:提供特定于技术问题的对话,可以让模型学会回答复杂的技术问题。
- 教育辅导:通过少量样本学习,模型可以被训练为辅导学生解决特定的学术问题。
System message | User | Assistant |
You are an assistant designed to analyze sentiment from speech data. Users will paste in a string of text and you will respond with an assessment of the response of the speaker. Rate on a scale of 1-10 (10 being highest). Explain why this rating was given. | hi thank you for calling contoso pharmacy who am i speaking with today i understand your frustration mary um can you tell me what exactly you’re trying to accomplish OK uh certainly happy to check that for you one moment please i see here that you were on a generic form of lipitor is that right OK uh so i see that your doctor stopped prescribing these drugs in twenty twenty one actually OK uh yeah i’d be happy to check that for you uh because sometimes there’s a gap in the system and it just doesn’t get reported so let me take a look here just a moment so i’m seeing here that your doctor had these drugs prescribed to you from twenty twelve through twenty twenty one OK um yeah according to the latest records uh provided by doctor’s office you’re now on a different drug metformin would you like us to go ahead and fill that prescription for you for pick up a bit of form in five hundred milligrams uh you’re very welcome mary please let us know if there’s anything else we can do for you today. | Sentiment rating: 8 The speaker in this text seems to be polite, helpful, and patient while addressing the concerns of the customer. They take the time to check the information, provide clear explanations, and offer assistance. However, the rating is not a 10 because there is still a hint of uncertainty in some parts of the conversation, which may not convey complete confidence to the customer. |
input format :
output format:
以下是从文本中抽取的名词列表: 老师 教室 学生 知识 人体 脑部 肌肉 骨骼 自然科学 地球 成分 水 土壤 空气 天文学 星球 星云 银河 宇宙。
提示中显示信息的顺序很重要。 GPT 风格的模型内核是以格式理解方式构建的,这定义了它们处理输入的方式。 在共享其他上下文信息或示例之前,在提示开始时告诉模型你希望它执行的任务有助于生成更高质量的输出。模型可能容易受到近因偏差的影响,在此上下文中,这意味着提示结束时的信息对输出的影响可能比提示开头的信息更大。 因此在提示结束时重复指令,可以更有效的控制LLM的回答。
System message | User | Assistant |
You are an AI assistant that helps people find information. Answer in as few words as possible. | John Smith is married to Lucy Smith. They have five kids, and he works as a software engineer at Microsoft. What search queries should I do to fact-check this? ## One possible search query is: | “John Smith married Lucy Smith five kids software engineer Microsoft” |
在上述提示中,文本“一个可能的搜索查询是:”引导模型生成单个输出。 如果没有此提示,模型将生成多个搜索查询作为输出。
这是指在提示的末尾包含几个字词或短语,以获取遵循所需形式的模型响应。 例如,使用 “Here’s a bulleted list of key points:n- ”
在提示中使用清晰的语法——包括标点符号、标题和小节标记——有助于传达意图,通常使输出更容易解析。 在下面的例子中,在不同的信息源或步骤之间添加了分隔符(在本例中为—)。这允许使用—作为生成的停止条件。此外,章节标题或特殊变量以大写字母表示,以区分它们。
System message | User | Assistant |
You are an AI assistant that helps people find information. | You will read a paragraph, and then issue queries to a search engine in order to fact-check it. Also explain the queries. — PARAGRAPH John Smith is married to Lucy Smith. They have five kids, and he works as a software engineer at Microsoft. What search queries should I do to fact-check this? — QUERIES | 1. “John Smith Microsoft” – To check if John Smith is indeed employed at Microsoft. 2. “John Smith Lucy Smith” – To check if John Smith is married to Lucy Smith. 3. “John Smith children” – To check if John Smith has five children. |
System message | User | Assistant |
You are an AI assistant that helps people find information. | You will read a paragraph, and then issue queries to a search engine in order to fact-check it. — PARAGRAPH John Smith is married to Lucy Smith. They have five kids, and he works as a software engineer at Microsoft. What search queries should I do to fact-check this? — Now you will extract factual claims, and issue queries to fact-check them. When issuing a query, use the function SEARCH(“query”) FACTUAL CLAIMS | 1. John Smith is married to Lucy Smith 2. They have five kids 3. He works as a software engineer at Microsoft QUERIES SEARCH(“John Smith married Lucy Smith”) SEARCH(“John Smith family size”) SEARCH(“John Smith Microsoft software engineer”) |
System message | User |
You are an AI assistant that helps people find information. | Who was the most decorated (maximum medals) individual athlete in the Olympic games that were held at Sydney? Take a step-by-step approach in your response, cite sources and give reasoning before sharing final answer in the below format: ANSWER is: <name> |
使用提示指定输出的结构可能会对结果的性质和质量产生重大影响。有时,系统消息输入为“只写真实事实”或“不编造信息”可能不足以缓解。相反,要求模型回复也包括引用可以帮助降低错误回复的普遍性。 如果指示模型在进行陈述时引用源材料,则这些陈述更有可能是有根据的。请求引用使得模型每次生成响应时都必须犯两个错误:第一个错误是捏造的响应,第二个错误的引用。引文越接近其支持的文本,模型预测引文所需的距离就越短,这表明内联引文比内容末尾的引文更好地缓解虚假内容的生成。